

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Last Day

Today was a really great day!! (finally)
The kids ALL slept until 6:30!! And they were all happy when they woke up! And so was I :)
I think Kyri and Gray were scared after yesterday morning because they stayed in their room for a while after they woke up, before coming out and into my room.

Today was Kyri's last day of preschool. 
Here she is during their program.

They did a really cute program and then their were lots of snacks and a DVD with pictures and videos of all the preschool kids. It was a lot of fun!! We really missed Daddy, but we recorded the program for him (although, I don't think I got Kyri's part on there. She was very first, saying "Welcome to our Preschool Celebration!!"  and I didn't have my camera on yet) :(
Kyri wanted to Skype Daddy again tonight so she could tell him all about her fun day!
She will have to wait until tomorrow morning.

Kyri has REALLY loved preschool! She learned so much and made some good friends. She will miss it, but is already looking forward to it next year!
Kyri with Ms Kate 

The kids ate treats at Kyri's party for lunch.
Yep, that kind of mom.
So, tonight when the kids asked for dessert after dinner you can guess what I said.
Sugar for lunch and snack is enough sugar to last us for a few days :)

After naps I took all 3 kids to Walmart.
Kyri threw a fit in the parking lot because I was going to let them be in a shopping cart that had the little seats in the front, but then I realized there was nowhere for Tanzi to sit. Kyri offered to stand or walk with me, but the straps were broken so I couldn't strap Tanzi in.
BIG fit!
We stood outside in the parking lot until she was done.
The cart gathering dude was laughing at us.
I can't wait until he has kids of his own!
Kyri threw another fit because she was freezing cold and I wouldn't go into the store!
We kept waiting.
Finally, she stopped and we went into the store and everyone was happy!!
I even splurged and bought some yummy things for the kids (and me....if I can control myself and not eat too much :) )

I made ham fried rice for dinner.
It wasn't quite as good as when Gary makes it, but the kids all LOVE it!!
Dinner was a huge success!

The kids all went to bed SO good!
I'm glad we could have such a nice, happy, fun day.
I'm watching American Idol as I update the blog, and I watched it while I cleaned the kitchen.
Our house is surprisingly clean.
I was able to work out this morning, but no walk. 
I will work out again tonight.
Then off to bed!

Hoping for another great day tomorrow!!