

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

I'm So Glad When Daddy Comes Home

Friday was a fun day.
I thought it was going to be a REALLY long day, since it was the day before Gary was coming home, but it really wasn't bad at all.
In the morning we cleaned the house.
When the kids know that someone is coming to our house, then they are usually really good to help me clean.
And, not only did we have daddy to clean for, but my sister, Andrea, came Friday afternoon.
When I told Graysen that she was going to be coming he said, "OH!! Me LIKE Andrea!"
Yeah, she is SO much fun!!
I cut and colored her hair...and she played a lot with the kids.
And our day went by SO fast!!

Tanzi loves to just play in her crib when she wakes up in the morning or from naps (if she's slept long enough).
Since she can't sit up by herself yet, I never find her like this, but I put her in her crib for a minute so I could do something...and she was as happy as could be!
She has plenty of friends to play with
Saturday morning we woke up to SNOW!
Oh, the kids were SO excited!
So, while they were waiting for daddy to come home they had a little fun!
I obviously need to do some shopping for my kids.
Graysen needs a new winter hat...and boots.
Yes, that used to be Kyri's hat, and yes, he is wearing Kyri's PINK shoes.
He only has church shoes and one other pair of shoes and I didn't want him to get those all wet, in case we needed to go somewhere :)
The snow was really heavy and really weighed down our tree....that still has nearly all it's leaves on it
She was so busy playing, but took the time to say "HI!"
Kyri and Gray came in, crying, because they were SO cold!
Their feet, legs (because they don't have snow pants), hands, everything were wet and cold!
I threw them in the tub and that helped cheer them up!

So, I guess in their excitement for daddy to come home none of my kids could sleep.
Tanzi had already had a terrible night and she woke up again just before 5:30.
Right after that Kyri woke up. Naked. She had taken her pajamas off before she fell asleep and now she was freezing.
I had her go peeps and then I took her back into her bed.
We were putting her footy jammies on and when I tried helping her zip them up I realized they were inside out!
I was holding Tanzi, who was fussing, and Kyri was fussing because she was cold, and I look over at Gray and he was sitting up in his bed!
When I told him to lie down and go back to sleep he said,
"NO! Me reading my book!!"
In the dark?
I got the jammies worked out and told the kids to go back to bed.
They stayed in their room for a bit, but they never did go back to sleep :(
I was worried it was going to be a crazy, fussy day, but the kids were actually really pretty good

Tanzi likes to work on some cool moves while figuring out how to crawl.
This is a move she will hold for quite some time!!
We knew about what time to expect daddy to be home,
so the kids were VERY happy to see him while they were looking for him!
Not only were we so glad when daddy came home, but I think he was pretty glad to be home!
Before daddy came home we made signs for him and hung them up all over.
Here daddy is reading the sign on the door.

"Me want my daddy. Wah wah wah wah!"
(Graysen cries for his daddy all the time, but it has also become a bit of a joke between these two)
Kyri said she didn't miss her daddy because we got to Skype him every night, but I think this proves just how much she really did miss him!!
It was SO nice to have Gary home!!
We just hung out and did a whole lot of nothing.
It was just nice to be together as a family!

Sunday was a nice day.
It was really nice to not have to take all 3 kids to church by myself!
We made a "real" dinner. Jell-o and all. (which my kids insist on for Sunday dinner)

I HATE the time change with kids!!
I thought that maybe this time it would be different.
Since the kids woke up at 5:30 I decided not to give Gray a nap and we kept the kids up until 8:00....hoping they would be extremely tired and sleep until the clock said 7....or close to it.
Well, no such luck.
We even kept them up Sunday night, even though we usually put them to bed early.
Here it is Tuesday and the kids are still waking up at 6:30 or earlier.
Maybe they will be adjusted before the time changes again.

Tanzi has been having some really horrible nights.
I can't quite tell if it's teething, her tummy, or what.
So, I'm not exactly sure how to handle it.
But last night she had a really good night!
Which means that I, too, got some much needed sleep.
Too bad Gary was up most the night.
If it is not one in this family it is another.

I'm not gonna lie, I didn't miss Gary snoring at night while he was gone, but since it got really cold while he was gone I am SO happy to have him back!
He is my human heater!!
If only he would let me put my frozen toes on him!! :)

When Gary gets home from work the kids LOVE to hide from him.
It doesn't matter where they are or what they are doing.
This is something they did not forget while Gary was gone.
Yesterday just before Gary got home Kyri spilled some water on herself...or Graysen spilled on her...something. Anyway, she was changing her clothes when Gary got home from work.
She still had to hide.
Don't ask....I don't know.
But don't worry we did NOT let her wear that to the store.

We went to the store as a family.
And it just so happened that WinCo was giving away a FREE turkey for every $100 we spent.
We got 2 free HUGE turkeys :)

Welcome Home Daddy!!
We are glad you decided we were worth coming back to :)


Nichole said...

So I think maybe im still just a tad hormonal because seeing those pics of Gary and the kids just made me tear up. So happy he is home!!! YOU MADE IT!!! well done!