

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Freaky Friday?

We had such a FUN day!!
In the morning I watched my friend's kids.
Kyri and Gray were happy to have friends over to play!

Here's the handsome Kason (not sure how to spell it though)

Kyri and Aubrey had fun playing dress-up
And so did Graysen :)
Aubrey was kind of mean to Graysen and wouldn't let him play with her and Kyri, but she said Kason could play. Gray cried a lot. And it made me sad. Afterward I told Kyri that she needs to stand up for her brother and if someone is mean to him she needs to speak up. She never said anything to Aubrey and just let her be mean to him :(
I hope she won't always be such a follower.
That's another thing I really worry about.
If she won't stand up for her brother and best friend what else will she let her friends tell her to do?!?!

Tonight was our ward Trunk-or-Treat
Of course my camera battery died as soon as we got there, but at least I got a bunch of cute pictures before hand.

Our little monkey
way too cute!!
Penguin, Monkey, White Tiger (or sometimes a lion if you ask Gray)
LOVE it!!
Such a silly penguin
what a cute little tiger

The kids had a TON of fun at the Trunk-or-Treat!
I just pushed Tanzi in the stroller and it took us only about 20 minutes to get a bucket full of safe candy!! Whoever thought up the trunk-or-treat idea is genius!

Instead of handing out candy I gave out Halloween bubbles, spider rings, and glow sticks.
They were a HUGE hit!!
I think I'll try to make that a tradition.