

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

RSV and New Winter Clothes

This season has been a killer for our family with sicknesses.  All of us have had the flu at least once, colds have been very present at our house, and even the little "Miss" got RSV a few weeks ago.  She had to have breathing treatments and seemed to recover pretty quickly, but it hasn't been fun living in Allen house the last couple months with all the coughing, sneezing, nose-blowing, puking, headaches, sore throats, and achy bodies.  

Tanzi at the hospital with mommy getting diagnosed with RSV.

One of the many treatments for RSV Tanzi had.  She actually did really well and kept her mask on.     She even started to hold it and would keep it on.  It seemed to work though and she was back to healthy breathing in no time.  

We have been debating on when to give the kids their new winter clothes.  We had a couple of snow storms we though we would get them out for, but we didn't.  We finally decided to give them their coats, pants, boots, gloves, and hats.  The are really warm and nice and the kids love them.  Tanzi really liked hers and always goes to get hers when we say we are going outside for anything.  

The three with their new coats.

We went to Temple Square an their warm winter clothes came in really handy.  

Tanzi just looks so cute and tiny in her new coat.