

Thursday, September 27, 2012

We have a 5 year old roaming around the house now!

Kyri's birthday was on the 19th, which was right in the middle of the week.  Because we are awesome parents, we decided to celebrate for the entire week. 
It started the Saturday before her birthday.  We have wanted to take Kyri to a movie, but haven't had a chance to preview the movies in the theater's first.  Luckily for her, Finding Nemo 3D was playing and we know she like that movie, so we figured it would be fun for her to go and see it in 3D.  Her and Mauri went and had an awesome time.  We opened gifts on her birthday and then we celebrated on Sunday when family could come.  She had a great birthday and we are so proud of her and how grown up she is. 

At the theater with Mom.

Opening up gifts from Mom and Dad.
She even got some gifts from her cousins! Lots of fun games and activities for her to do.      

The cake situation was an interesting one again.  It never turns out the way I want to.  This one was take two, but ended up okay.  Face wasn't too good, the rest of Cinderella was turned out nice. 

Kyri with her cousins ready to blow out her candles. 

She was really excited about her cake and I guess that is all that really matters. 

Happy Birthday Kyri!