

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

A Second Christmas, Potty Training, and a 9 Month Old

It's been a while since we updated, so here is just a bunch of things we've been up to lately.

I didn't take a picture of this before Christmas because I was waiting until it actually had "ornaments" on it. This is the countdown calendar that Tammy gave us for Christmas last year.
And we LOVE it!!
The kids had so much fun putting an ornament on the tree every day.
Isn't it super cute?!
Gary's brother, Todd, and his family moved to Salt Lake the end of December.
We are SO excited to have them closer!!
(especially since they have a new little baby I have not yet seen)
So, that weekend we had some visitors.
Grandma and Grandpa from "Bunkerbill" came bearing gifts.
They recently returned from a cruise...and this is what they brought back for Gray.
LOVE it :)
Kyri got a bike with training wheels.
The next day she took it out to the driveway and was doing awesome pedalling, but couldn't stop and crashed and broke the cool little compartment.....but at least the bike still works :)
Gary and I got The Book of Mormon Made Easier and a Costco gift card.
We can't wait to use them
I didn't take a picture of it, but Tanzi got a stuffed animal that sings to her, spells and says her's SO much fun and Tanzi LOVES it!
We got SO spoiled!!
Thanks for a special Christmas after Christmas :)

One night when we checked on the kids before we went to bed both Kyri and Gray were being crazy sleepers!
Graysen woke up right as I snapped the picture, but who sleeps with their foot on the floor?!
Him, obviously.
Haha!! This cracks me up!!
We recently started potty training Graysen.
The first few days were slightly stressful.
We decided we would not use diapers, pull-ups, or anything.
So, we spent a lot of time cleaning up accidents...even in the middle of the night.
But, we are happy to report that as of today Graysen is completely pee trained!! Even at night!!
However, he sort of rebels against going stinky in the toilet.
He knows he needs to go, will sit on the potty for about 2 seconds, and then say he doesn't need to go.
Sometime later in the day he will have an accident.
I would much rather clean up a pee accident.

Well, we decided to try reading Graysen some books while he worked on his business.
Kyri is such a great sister and really wanted to read him some books too!
It didn't make any difference....but we tried!
Well, today Gray actually went stinky in the potty....without even being bugged about it!!
We had absolutely NO accidents today!
I'm hoping this is the start to many more days of the same.

This is what happens when Tanzi and I go to the store to do major grocery shopping on the day it snows
They love their "Frosty"
And had the time of their lives making him!!
Thanks, Daddy!!
Tanzi has turned into such a HAPPY baby!!
She has gotten all the tummy ache issues worked out and is just happy the majority of the time. I can not believe the difference in her the last couple months.
She is like a different baby, but still just as cute as she's always been!
Here's a few pictures showing just how happy she usually is
She is ALWAYS doing this, grinding her teeth, driving Gary and I CRAZY! :)

Oh, how I love this baby.
I do not want her to grow up!!
But she is.....
Tanzi turned 9 months the end of December.
She weighed in at 14 lbs 5 oz (not even on the charts),
Her length was 26.7 inches (25%)
And her head was 16.7 (10%)
Even though she is little she is not losing weight, so the doctor isn't at all worried about our little fighter

Today I was going through some things and found this hat.

You can't tell me these two don't look alike :)

Tanzi was fascinated with the camera
Today I was going through Tanzi's clothes, boxing up the ones that no longer fit.
She can still fit into 3-6 month pants, but finally outgrew her 3-6 month shirts.
We have a TON of baby girl clothes, from Kyri. I have a hard time justifying buying new clothes.
However, Kyri and Tanzi were born in opposite seasons!
This poses a slight problem.
Luckily, it's only slight.
There are a few outfits Kyri was given, but rarely wore because they weren't for the right season, so Tanzi is now loving those. Then there are a few things we just put long sleeved onesies under.
It works.
But there's a few SUPER cute things that Kyri wore as a baby that Tanzi will just never be able to wear.
And that makes me kind of sad.


Nichole said...

Tanzi has the prettiest blue eyes! Goodness she is cute. Babies getting big is SAD!