

Monday, December 5, 2011

Happy Monday!

Today was a fun day because one of my best friends, Rachel, came over to get her hair done!
It seems like the only time we really see each other anymore is when I do her hair.
And that is NOT nearly enough :)
(although, I do have to mention that she came and saw Tanzi at PCMC....she saw Tanzi before most of our family did!)

It was fun to just chat and catch up with each other.
And, of course, reminisce about the past.
She reminded me about when we lived together and her boyfriend gave her a bunny rabbit.
I honestly do NOT remember the rabbit, but I somehow have some vague memory of sawdust in the dining room.
And my kids LOVE playing with Rachel and listening to her stories!!
Thanks for a fun day, Rachel!

We made mac & cheese for dinner.
Then, after the kids were all ready for bed we had Family Home Evening.
I read some Christmas poems and just tried to focus on teaching them about the TRUE meaning of Christmas.
It was kind of disastrous.
You know, one of those times when you say to yourself, "Now, WHY am I having Family Home Evening with a 2 and 4 year old?!?!"
I was tempted to just yell at them that Santa is not real and that is NOT why we have Christmas!!
I refrained.
I will thank myself later.

And bedtime was just as awful.
If not worse.
Both Kyri and Gray went to bed crying.
After I put Tanzi down I was listening at the kids' door and through his tears I could hear Graysen say,
"!! I....can'!!!"
All 3 kids were fast asleep by 6:45!!
Now you would think I would clean the house or do something productive.
I think I will just have some ME time instead :)
(sorry, love!)

I nearly forgot!
This morning I was trying to clean up the house a bit before we had company.
The kids came to me and said,
"HURRY!! Come see what we did to our room!"

They were very proud that the two of them moved Gray's bed clear across the room!!
They also pulled a little rolling dresser and a few boxes out of the closet.
Kyri informed me that they would leave it like this for a few days....until they want to put it back (which will probably be never...I will have to put it all back, I'm sure)
Another reason Graysen was crying tonight was because he wanted me to move his bed back... and I wouldn't.
Nighty night!


Betsy said...

Mauri hearing you talk about your friends makes me miss you!!! Hearing your stories about your kids makes me laugh!! Hopeing your holidays are filled with that much fun makes me smile!